Poetica Ex Machina
Concrete poetry, which emerged simultaneously in Brazil and Switzerland during the 1950s, practically took the exploration of the morphology, repetition, and rhythm of words to the limit, being one of the most efficient and genuine manifestations in the sense of freeing thought from the shackles of representation and create an independent domain for the language.
“Nascemorre”. Haroldo de Campos, 1958.
Its historical and cognitive legacy is unique, being responsible, among other things, for restoring the link between the arts and mathematics, lost since Pythagoras' Ancient Greece and Fibonacci's Renaissance Italy. One of the greatest examples of this heritage today is John Maeda, former president of the Rhode Island School of Design and exponent of the STEAM educational movement: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics. His experimental work produced during the 90s - The 5 Reactive Books - is a fundamental reference for professionals who understand the inestimable value that the intersections between design and technology have today.
Main source of research: Maeda Studio –The Five Reactive Books.
José M. da Costa is a researcher, designer, and founder of Storiologia.