The mastery of human organizations:

Storiologia brings together the most diverse sciences around design processes, regionalizing global tendencies to support the individuation, clarity and evaluation of organizations, having helped innumerable brands to find their calling and achieve a reputation of mastery.


The Principles of Storiologia.


1. Work serves only and exclusively to cultivate affective and relevant relationships.

We only work for people we like. All the significant work we do was born out of affectionate relationships with customers, based on a common base of values.

2. Each and every project scope begins with a genuine exercise in active listening.

Having an open mind to listen and collaborate in each case is our brand's greatest asset. For this purpose, we use a different type of wisdom: the intelligence of the heart.

3. Only a look of extreme simplicity can solve complex problems.

They are elementary negligences that form the shadows of an organization. Here, systemic thinking is our greatest ally to get to the root of each demand.


4. Any innovation process depends on equal measures of effort and resignation.

Every evolutionary cycle begins with a radical intention and dedication on the part of its entrepreneurs, but it requires the same dose of time and patience to mature and crystallize.

5. Aesthetics provide structure and harmony for the successful completion of a project.

The design principles form the foundation of a brand's reputation, that is: the recognition of an organization in the market and society is a reflection of its virtues.

6. Just as beauty does not exist apart from its context, there is no originality without depth.

For an organization to identify and realize its true vocation, entrepreneurs should not be afraid to dive deep and take advantage of its natural evolution process.


Doing Storiologia is to orient the evolution of the ‘New World’ organizations by research, design and culture.



Because each organization, market and region have their proper roots and unique formation processes.


Because a brand must integrate the great diversity of histories and profile aspects of their entrepreneurs.


Because the first step to achieve mastery is the understanding of our biography and place in the world.


No organization achieve its mastery simply by copying existing models. The “mongrel complex”, common to the entrepreneurs who seek to do business in Brazil, is a trap that lead us almost all the time to imitate the white-collar style of Northern Americans, the classic European management of command and control, or even the startup way of the contemporary big techs. As a nation, we have numberless particularities, and was precisely the cultural soup promoted by the mix of bandeirantes, caboclos, mulattoes, rednecks, sertanejos, immigrants, modernists and cosmopolitans that formed a society with a unique system of exchanges, enrichment and values in the global market.

That’s why we created Storiologia: a studio that have a unique method to identify the calling, write the histories and develop the reputation of the 'New World' brands, making them broadly evaluated by their roots, essence and originality.